HOME > Kirigami Greeting Cards and Gift Wrap Create simple craft projects with the art of papercutting - Origami Book

Kirigami Greeting Cards and Gift Wrap

Create simple craft projects with the art of papercutting - Origami Book

Kirigami Greeting Cards and Gift Wrap

Author Florence Temko
Price JPY 990
ISBN 978-0-8048-3606-7
Format 215×280mm 48pages
Availability Out-of-print
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This book explores the Japanese art of paper cutting through a collection of kirigami greeting cards and gift wraps from well-known craft author and expert Florence Temko. The projects in this book provide great ideas for every occasion, with Heart Variations For Your Valentine, Pop-ups, Dress-up Paper Dolls, Gift Box Borders, Woven Gift Wrap, Appliqued Gift Bag, and many, many more! The projects and simple instructions will appeal to anyone who crafts for fun or as an activity. This is a wonderful book for anyone who enjoys creating with their hands. Renowned origami artist Florence Temko fills this book with truly unforgettable projects.

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